Friday, December 30, 2016

Livia Bitton-Jackson

Livia Bitton-Jackson (formerly Elli L. Friedmann) is a Holocaust survivor from Czechoslovakia and the author of the Holocaust memoir, "I Have Lived a Thousand Years". Jackson was born in Chamorin, Czechoslovakia (formerly Samorin, Slovakia) in 1931. She lived the normal life of a thirteen year old up until the Nazi invasion of Hungary on March 19th, 1944. She was imprisoned in the Nagymagyar ghetto, Auschwitz, Plaszow, and Augsburg. At the end of the war, she was eventually liberated from the Death Train.

In 1951, Livia Bitton-Jackson immigrated to the United States with her mother and surviving brothers.  The memoir, "I Have Lived a Thousand Years" is a great text for adolescents. It provides a teenager's insight into the Holocaust. She is also the author of two other memoirs, "My Bridges of Hope" and " Hello, America" which provide insight into her life after liberation and the struggles of establishing a new life in New York City.

Image result for Livia Bitton-Jackson

Image result for Livia Bitton-Jackson

Links for further research: 

Polina Gelman

Back in September of 2013, I wrote an article about the Nachthexen. A group of Russian female military aviators who flew harassment bombings against the German military. The group of aviator women also flew precision bombing missions. Their flight missions began in 1942 and continued until the end of the war.

One of the notable members of the "Night Witches" was Polina Gelman. I recently ran across her story and decided to share.

Polina was born in Berdichev, Ukraine in 1919. As an adolescent, she took flight lessons. When the German troops were nearing closer to Moscow, in October of 1941, Polina volunteered for the Red Army. She believed it was not only her duty as a Soviet citizen but as a Jewish woman to volunteer and stand up to Adolf Hitler.

On May 27th, 1942, she became a navigator. Her job was extremely important because she led the way for her fellow aviator pilots. The following pilots would bomb fuel and ammunition depots along with targeting bridges and German vehicles. Polina's crew brought supplies to the Red Army while also knocking out German searchlights that searched for Soviet Planes.

After several other notable roles in her regiment and a career as a military officer, Polina passed in November of 2005.

Polina Gelman

Here is a link for further research: 

Note: Thank you to Yad Vashem for helping provide content for this article. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Heinrich Himmler and His Obsession with Medical Experimentation

Heinrich Himmler was the Reichsführer of the Nazi Party's SS. Being the second most powerful within  Nazi Germany, Himmler was the Nazi official who conceived and implemented the Final Solution.

Heinrich Himmler also had a reputation for ardent beliefs in "racial consciousness," however, Himmler was also a man obsessed by medical experiments which he believed could reverse the damage of warfare injuries and for multiple other "justifiable" reasons.  Quite a few of these experiments involved the women prisoners of Ravensbrück.

1. The Preservation of Slave Labour

In the Spring of 1942, Heinrich Himmler implemented new harsh directives at Ravensbrück. He wished to extend the use of concentration camp slave labour by increasing the hours of work, making a deal with Siemens (German electrical company) to exploit Ravensbrück women. However, it did not stop there and Ravensbrück women were further exploited through the establishment of brothels in male camps such as Dachau, Mauthausen, Buchenwald and Flossenbürg where the women were to be used as prostitutes.

The use of Ravensbrück women in brothels established in male camps was connected to an idea Himmler had for "reinvigorating" male slave labourers after a visit to Mauthausen where he witnessed emaciated prisoners dying. Therefore, through sex, male prisoners would be encouraged to work better with coupons to visit the brothels.

2. Sulphonamide Experiments

May 27th, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, the SS-Obergruppenführer and proclaimed protector of Bohemia and Moravia, was assassinated by Jozef Gabcik and Jan Kubis, members of the Czech resistance. While the security police where on a blood hunt, particularly against the village of Lidice, Karl Gebhardt (Himmler's top surgeon and the surgeon who attempted to heal Heydrich) was receiving pressure from Adolf Hitler.

For months, German forces were experiencing casualties due to infection of warfare injuries. Most common, being gas gangrene, when shrapnel and debris pierced wounds. This was similar to Hydrich's wound when Jan Kubis threw the bomb that caused shrapnel, glass, upholstery fibres and wire into his spleen. The race to find a "miracle drug" was raging on, especially since the Allies were diminishing casualties with a formulated type of penicillin, and Himmler stepped in, offering healthy concentration camp prisoners.

The first group chosen for human experimentation were male prisoners from Sachsenhausen. The male prisoner's legs were cut open, and different quantities of bacteria were inserted into their legs. A variation of sulphonamide was given to each prisoner, however, the results proved inconclusive.

                                                                  Maria Kusmierczuk
                                                                      Jadwiga Dzido

Vladislava Karolewska

Ravenbrück women, also known as "Rabbits," who survived. If you look at their legs, you can see the mutilation that was caused due to Himmler's experiments. 

3. "Human Warmth" Experiments

By October 1942, Himmler had grown bored with his sulphonamide experiments. Now, he was infatuated with the idea that sailors and airmen who were exposed to freezing seas were revived by human warmth. He urged Sigmund Rascher to use Ravensbrück prostitutes, having been given four, for his experimental use.

Eight male prisoners were submerged in near-freezing water inside a large tank and left inside until found unconscious. The men were then placed in a bed between two naked Ravensbrück women. The women were to nestle as close as possible under the cover of a blanket.

The men quickly revived, however this experiment wasn't anymore effective than any other form of re-warming. One of the male prisoners subjected to experimentation had a cerebral haemorrhage and died.

4. The Breaking of Bones

Ludwig Stumpfegger, in November, 1942, proposed the experiment of breaking bones to see if they would grow back together. The first new guinea pig was Basia Pietryzyk, a sixteen-year-old Polish dancer. Stumpfegger chiselled bone out of her right and left tibias. Over the course of a few weeks, three different types of operations occurred: bone grafts, bone splinters and bone-breaking. Bone breaking involved the shin bones being smashed by hammers. Other times, the whole fibula or tibia was taken out.

5. Operation on Muscles

First, the muscle was exercised. With each operation, larger parts of the muscle were taken out.

6. Removal of Whole Limbs

In November 1942, bacterial experiments were still being carried out, but a new form of experimentation emerged. Women called the 'lunatics' were subjected to amputation of whole limbs. Victims were murdered on the operating table.

Himmler ordered this experiment of limbs because he wanted Stumpfegger to copy the technique of a Russian doctor who transplanted limbs.

This is part one of a group of articles about medical experiments at Ravensbrück. My next article will be about the Ravensbrück Rabbits, which is mentioned briefly above. My final article for this group will be about the role of the German Red Cross in providing aid to concentration and extermination camp prisoners.

Thank you and I have attached links for further research:

Friday, June 24, 2016

Olga Benario-Prestes

Olga Benario-Prestes was a prominent German-Brazilian communist militant. Benario-Prestes was born on February 12th, 1908 to prominent middle-class parents, however, by age 14 (1922) she chose to run away from home and join the communist cause.

After leaving Germany in 1929 to train with Stalin's elite, Olga was then sent by Stalin to Brazil to organize an overthrow against President Getulio Vargas. After being chosen for the Comintern (Communist International organization), in November 1936, Benario-Prestes was handed over to the Gestapo. Her arrest was consequence of a British intelligence tip-off.

Olga Benario-Prestes was then imprisoned at Ravensbrück until 1942 when she was sent with the first few groups of Ravensbrück prisoners to be gassed at Bernburg. While imprisoned at Ravensbrück, Olga was still a key player. For a time she was a Blockova (a female version of a Kapo, which was a prisoner functionary) where she aided those around her. 

Olga Benario-Prestes, photo via Wikimedia Commons

I came across Olga's story while reading Ravensbrück by Sarah Helm, which I highly recommend. I have attached a link for further research. Thank you!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Hitler's War on "Asocials"

In 1938, a program called 'Aktion Arbeitsscheu Reich' (Action Against the Work-shy) was launched which thus created a new stage in the Nazi purge of not only Germany's Jews, Gypsies and mentally or physically disabled individuals but of Germany's underclass.

The primary targets of this program were those "considered social outcasts, largely unnoticed by the outside world, and unreported within Germany, more than 20,000 so-called 'asocials'--'vagabonds, prostitutes, work-shy, beggars and thieves'--were rounded up and earmarked for concentration camps." (Pg #16 of Ravensbrück by Sarah Helm) 

While gathering evidence for this article, I was gobsmacked to discover that there is little to no real information about this program or it's victims. Sarah Helm's Ravensbrück is the only real source that provides any insight that I have found. 

This is partly due to this stigma attached to the "asocials" imprisonment, and therefore, fear of speaking out. Sarah Helm describes it perfectly, "Although we learn alot about what the political prisoners thought of asocials, we learn nothing of what the asocials thought of them. Unlike the political women, they left no memoirs. Speaking out after the war would mean revealing the reason for imprisonment in the first place, and incurring more shame...The German associations set up after the war to help concentration camp survivors were dominated by political prisoners. And whether they were based in the communist East or in the West, these bodies saw no reason to help 'asocial' survivors. Such prisoners had not been arrested as 'fighters' against the fascists, so whatever their suffering none of them qualified for financial or any other kind of help. Nor were the western Allies interested in their fate. Although thousands of asocials died at Ravensbrück, not a single black-or-green triangle survivor was called upon to give evidence for the Hamburg War Crimes trials, or any later trials. As a result these women simply disappeared: the red-light districts they came from had been flattened by Allied bombs, so nobody knew where they went. For many decades, Holocaust researchers also considered the asocials' stories irrelevant; they barely rate mention in camp histories. Finding survivors amongst this group was doubly hard because they formed no associations, nor veterans' groups." (pg #90 of Ravensbrück by Sarah Helm) 

My heart weeps for women, such as, Anna Solzer, Ottile Gorres, Elisabeth Fassbender, Else Krug, Agnes Petry and countless other women who perished in Ravensbrück and who's memory is dismal and faint. At the same time, I am angry that victims of the same Holocaust as Anne Frank or Gerda Weissmann Klein are stigmatized and deemed irrelevant. 

The women of Ravensbrück, regardless of their imprisonment, and all the victims of Hitler's Holocaust and of any violation of human rights are important. Let's start to look at and value human lives simply as human lives. Not by the measure of how they made a living to survive or how the world views/ viewed them. 

For more research I highly recommend you read: 

1. Ravensbrück by Sarah Helm
   I have attached a link that allows you to read up to the end of the first chapter:

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

2016 Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump the Modern Day Adolf Hitler? You Decide! Pt.1

Hey all. Before we get into everything I want to make a few things clear. My intention behind writing this article was due to the many trending posts about Donald Trump that compare him to Adolf Hitler. I am not in any way, shape or form justifying, condoning or supporting his policies and opinions regarding immigration, scapegoated religions and cultures, reproductive rights, ect. However, I want to put the facts behind your arguments instead of just internet speculation.

To keep things short, I am going to create multiple articles that have different topics. My first article is on Trump's and Hitler's stance on Nationalism and Scapegoating. Please comment for insight on this idea, the current topic discussed and what you think!

Here we go:

1. Nationalism & Scapegoating

The appeal of nationalism while Hitler rose to power was Germany's defeat in The First World War and the heavy war reparations after being "forced" to sign the Treaty of Versailles. After a failed attack on the Russian Bolsheviks, Hitler began to scapegoat multiple other targets (Jews, the mentally and physically disabled, Romanies, Slavs, ect.) to boost the German national pride. One of the most famous examples being the depiction of Jews holding financial power over the Germans.

Back in 2011, at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Donald Trump delivered a speech with very similar tactics. Trump highlighted how the American national pride was/is wounded due to being "a whipping post for the rest of the world" because of OPEC and a variety of other nations. His main scapegoats of the speech were OPEC and how the members along with Mexico, China, India and South Korea, "view our leaders as weak and ineffective and have repeatedly taken advantage of them to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year." Trump also added how draining the rising gas prices were (at the time being $4.54) due to OPEC and the only way to stop the rising price was to essentially show OPEC who was boss. 

With all this being said, I am not saying that taking national interest in your country is at all wrong. Taking interest in your nation's (of origin or adopted) history and applying it to modern day or embracing it however you choose is entirely acceptable. However, what is not acceptable is deciding which nation, culture and people are more superior or greater than others and scapegoating groups, individuals, cultures and ideas. 

The latter is something Trump is continuing to do 6 years later. Just as Adolf Hitler's scapegoats evolved from Jews to the mentally and physically disabled to Romanies to Slavs and so on and so forth, the new scapegoats of the leading 2016 Republican Presidential candidate are Muslims, Mormons, ethnic minorities, ect. 

Trump describes Hispanic immigrants as "bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists." (June 16th, 2015) This is no different from Hitler's belief that Jews and Romanies and Slavs were swine and how that single idea fueled prejudices and hatred which created occurrences like Kristallnacht, Ghettos which segregated groups from general society and allowed mentally and physically disabled individuals to be subjected to eugenics and euthanasia because of the image Hitler and general society (stemming from his scapegoating) painted of them. 

Trump stated, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters." (January 23rd, 2016) which is reflective of Nazi Officers and the SS organizing pogroms and having the ability to subject individuals to forced labor, beatings and even death without having to be accountable. Pogroms such as Babi Yar where 34,000 Jews were slaughtered and in the world Adolf Hitler designed, it was acceptable.

Trump's sentiments are already starting to perpetuate such a cycle. On November 17th, 2015 an act of violence took place at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood. A police officer along with two civilians lost their lives, and nine more were injured. Many individuals supported this act of violence due to the ugly picture that previous and current leaders along with Donald Trump have painted of Planned Parenthood and reproductive health clinics. Major conservatives such as Breitbart have even supported some of Trump's ideals (specifically his 2011 attack on OPEC and several other countries) with the argument that it is a "screw-or-be-screwed world". 

Thank you for taking the time to read, share and comment. 

As for links for further research I recommend: 

Feel free to also check out the Research Resource tabs on the right side of this blog page. Lot's of websites which provide research and information.